Thursday 18 July 2013

How I got my golden axe

Hey guys.

So today is the very long story of how I got my golden axe, before I get started I just want to say in the pictures I know my animal crossing person is a Mii it's just something I was trying out and I know its not good but anyway lets get started!

So about 4 hours ago I decided that I wanted to get a golden axe because I want to chop down all my trees, (yes ALL my trees but that's a whole different blog post) because all the axes kept breaking so I looked it up and found out you need to buy 50 saplings from Leif to get the golden axe and being the impatient person I am I couldn't wait 50 days. Let me say that the only things that got me through were Derry on FaceTime and Youtube all I can say is that thank God for pop music. So what you have to do is go to Leif and buy the sapling, then save your game as if you were going to turn off your DS, then when the title screen comes on click continue when Isabelle comes up saying telling you the time and date click "I need help first..." then you will
have the option to change the date and time. Change the date to the next day and start the game, then go back to the garden shop and buy the sapling and start again.

When you keep changing the date weeds start to pop up and eventually you will have so many weeds that Leif will be standing around your town and not in the shop! When you talk to him he will give out about the weeds and ask you to pull them if you don't do this he wont go back to the shop. 

as your going through the days you fruit will still grow I recommend shaking the trees and leaving the fruit on the ground (don't worry it won't rot). 

Once you buy the 50th sapling he will tell you that you have a bonus gift and there you have it.

All the fruit on the ground won't rot

when you buy the 50th sapling


Me and my golden axe

Good luck getting the golden axe its very time consuming but definitely worth it.

~ Lauren :)

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