Tuesday 30 July 2013

Working in the coffee shop

Hey guys,

So in my last post I talked about how to get the coffee shop well today i'm going to talk about how to get a part time job in the coffee shop.

So after you have drank 7 cups of coffee Brewster will tell you to come by tomorrow to start work.

To start work go to where you would normally get take out coffee and when he asks you what you want click: 


You will then automatically be changed into work clothes and people from your town will start to arrive 


You then have to try and guess what blend they like, how much sugar they like and how much milk they like.

When you are done Brewster will tell you how you've done


He will then pay you in coffee beans and rare furniture.

Good luck 

~Lauren :)

Sunday 28 July 2013

The coffee shop

So today i'm going to talk about how to get the coffee shop 

To get the coffee shop you must have the museum upgraded and have donated at least 50 things after that you will walk into the museum and Blathers will be awake even if it's the middle of the day.

When you ask him whats wrong he will tell you a friend of his wants to build a coffee shop in your town, this will be a public works project for you to complete 


When it is done it will look like this.
You can then go in and buy a coffee and sometimes other people from your town will be in the coffee shop as well.
At certain times of day, you will find a special character sitting on a stool at the bar. The following list shows the schedule.

Special CharacterTime of Day to Encounter Character
Pelly or Pete6:00AM - 6:55AM
Tortimer or Dr. Shrunk8:00AM - 9:30AM
Mr. Resetti or Don Resetti12:00PM - 1:30PM
Kapp'n or Phineas2:30PM - 4PM
DJ KK5:30PM - 7PM
Phyllis or Digby9PM - 9:55PM
Gracie or Kicks or Tom NookMidnight - 1:30AM

You can also get take out coffee 2 days after you get the coffee shop in which you can walk around your town and drink the coffee as you please

Have Fun!
~Lauren :)

Saturday 27 July 2013


Hey guys,

So today i'm going to talk about the island on Animal crossing, to get the island you have to pay the mortgage that is 38,000 bells. When your loading your start up screen Tortimer the old mayor will tell you to come to the island where he is retired and will say to go to the dock the next day to go.


Go to the dock where there will be a guy called Kapp'n on a boat talk to him


You have to pay 1,000 bells to go and come back.


While your on the boat he will start singing 


If you continuously click the "B" button then he will stop and you will get straight to the island.


At the island there is a shack and a beach


There is fruit that you can bring back to your town and grow and sell there are Mangos, Lemons, Durian, Lychee, Coconut and Banana. You can also catch fish and bugs you can't get on the main land


Inside the shack you can play tours to win medals to buy varies things like a wetsuit, mermaid furniture and a membership to club Tortimer. You can also go back to your main town aswell.


On the way back Kapp'n will start singing again you can just keep pressing "B" again to go back to the town

Have fun!
~Lauren :)

Friday 26 July 2013

Perfect Fruit

Hey Guys, 
So you've probably heard of 'Perfect Fruit' and that it sells for A LOT of  bells. So next question: Where do i find a perfect fruit? Well, at the start of your game on Animal Crossing New Leaf you not only find tree's with your towns native fruit (Apple, Orange, Cherry, Peach, Pear) but you find one tree that has one perfect fruit on it. it looks kinda like this:

The perfect fruit in this case is peach and it is more golden compared to normal peaches. is more golden in this case. 
A perfect cherry looks like this:

A perfect apple looks like this:
A perfect pear looks like this:
And a perfect orange looks like this:
So now we figure out what do we do with this perfect fruit, well we plant it so that when it grows it gives us 3 perfect fruits. 

How to plant a perfect fruit:
Step 1: Dig a hole in the ground with your shovel.

Step 2: Tap the perfect fruit u picked up that's in your pockets, while standing beside the whole u just dug and select the option 'bury'. 
Step 3: This is what it will look like. Let it grow for a few days and come back to either sell or plant more. 

Selling Perfect Fruit: 
In you town, you can sell perfect fruit in Retail for 600 bells each.
In a friends town, you can sell perfect fruit for 3000 bells each. 
Now if you want to make even more money off your perfect fruit you can enforce an ordinance called the 'Bell Boom' or in the ordinance options it will be called 'A Wealthy Town'. With this ordinance enforced in your town you can sell things for a higher price. 
In you'r town, with the ordinance enforced, you can sell perfect fruit for 720 bells each.
In your friends town, if they have have the ordinance enforced, you can sell perfect fruit for 3600 bells. 

How long the perfect fruit trees last:
Sadly these perfect fruit trees don't last forever. The amount of times you can shake the fruit off the tree before this happens can't really be predicted.
Also as well as the leaves falling off you still get 2 perfect fruits, but there will be one rotten fruit. To dispose of the rotten fruit you have to bring it to Reese in Retail where you will have to pay a fee of 400 bells to recycle it. I recommend when they last of your perfect fruit falls, instead of selling it, replant it. to get rid of the dead tree's just cut them down with an axe like so:
And dig up the stump with a shovel. 

My experience:
A few days ago I planted 36 Perfect peach tree's all on the same day in Animal Crossing. The Fifth time i went to collect all the perfect peaches, 7 of the trees died. The sixth time i went to collect the perfect peaches, 18 of the trees died. At this point i replanted all the trees. I even cut down the remaining 11 because they probably would have died on my next collection. 

Enjoy making mega bells on Animal Crossing thanks to the perfect fruit trees. 

Thursday 25 July 2013

Fortune Teller

Hey Guys,
So today i'm going to talk about Katrina, a fortune teller that sometimes comes to town.


This is what her tent looks like it will be beside the tree you planted on your first day of being mayor this is also where Redd is when he comes to town so you wont have both unless you have the shop.


This is what the inside of the tent looks like, yes i'm wearing a halo I was feeling very angelic that day,


You have to pay 500 bells to get your fortune read.
You then go into the "maytrix" and get your fortune told
You then get told a piece of clothing or an accessory that is ment to make you luckier

If you get your fortune read 20 times you will be able to get the fortune teller shop it'll be a public works project. Yes that's not me I haven't unlocked it yet.

Good Luck

~Lauren :)

Thursday 18 July 2013

Shampoodle on Animal Crossing New Leaf

Hey Guys,
So you've probably heard you can get your hair done somewhere on Animal Crossing New Leaf. Some of you probably know where from previous Animal Crossing games, but for the people who don't know where you update you look, its a shop called Shampoodle who is run by Harriet who is a poodle. Here you can get your hair done and you'r make-up done to look like a mii from you'r mii plaza. When you unlock Shampoodle it is located above Able Sisters. The exterior looks like this:  
And the interior looks like this:
So you'r probably wondering how to get this awesome shop, all you need to do is have gotten you'r Town Development Permit, spent  8,000 bells in Able Sisters to have unlocked Kicks (the shoe shop) and then have waited at least 10 days and have spent 10,000 in either Able Sisters or Kicks. 
So there you go. I hope you have fun experimenting with new hairstyles and make-up.

~Derry :)

How I got my golden axe

Hey guys.

So today is the very long story of how I got my golden axe, before I get started I just want to say in the pictures I know my animal crossing person is a Mii it's just something I was trying out and I know its not good but anyway lets get started!

So about 4 hours ago I decided that I wanted to get a golden axe because I want to chop down all my trees, (yes ALL my trees but that's a whole different blog post) because all the axes kept breaking so I looked it up and found out you need to buy 50 saplings from Leif to get the golden axe and being the impatient person I am I couldn't wait 50 days. Let me say that the only things that got me through were Derry on FaceTime and Youtube all I can say is that thank God for pop music. So what you have to do is go to Leif and buy the sapling, then save your game as if you were going to turn off your DS, then when the title screen comes on click continue when Isabelle comes up saying telling you the time and date click "I need help first..." then you will
have the option to change the date and time. Change the date to the next day and start the game, then go back to the garden shop and buy the sapling and start again.

When you keep changing the date weeds start to pop up and eventually you will have so many weeds that Leif will be standing around your town and not in the shop! When you talk to him he will give out about the weeds and ask you to pull them if you don't do this he wont go back to the shop. 

as your going through the days you fruit will still grow I recommend shaking the trees and leaving the fruit on the ground (don't worry it won't rot). 

Once you buy the 50th sapling he will tell you that you have a bonus gift and there you have it.

All the fruit on the ground won't rot

when you buy the 50th sapling


Me and my golden axe

Good luck getting the golden axe its very time consuming but definitely worth it.

~ Lauren :)

Wednesday 17 July 2013

Public Works Projects and step by step guide!

Hey Guys,

So this blog post is going to be all about the different Public Works Projects. So as of right now some of the Public Works Projects are:

  • Town Hall Remodel - 498,000 bells
  • Train Station Remodel - 498,000 bells
  • Benches 52,800 bells
  • Cafe - 298,000 bells
  • Clock 42,000 bells
  • Campsite - 59,800 bells
  • Bridge (cobble stone and suspension) 128,000 bells
  • Police Station (classic and modern) 264,000 bells
  • Wishing Well 148,000 bells
  • Fountain - 99,800 bells
  • Fence 49,800 bells
  • Fire Hydrant 32,600 bells
  • My Design Board 40,000 bells
  • Face Cut-Out Board 50,000
  • Dream Suite - 234,000 bells
  • Museum (add Second Floor) - 198,000
  • House of Fortune - 340,000 bells
  • Reset Center - 368,000 bells
  • Lighthouse - 372,000
  • Zen Beach - 52,800
  • Wisteria Trellis - 124,000

Some of the Public Works Projects will be in the game once you get your town development permit others will be different characters asking you to be put there to do a public works project you have to:

Step 1: go to the town hall.

Step 2: sit on the mayor's chair and talk to Isabelle

Step 3: find where you want to put the public works project then a gyroyd called Lloyd will take donations from you and your towns people



Once the Public Works Project has been funded it will take until the next day to be completed


Then go back to the town hall and sit on the mayor's chair where Isabelle will invite you to a ceremony 


Then its time to PARTY!!!!

Good Luck!

~ Lauren :)

Garden Center on Animal Crossing New Leaf

On Animal Crossing New Leaf there is a garden center on Main Street. It is located between Timmy and Tommy's shop and Able Sisters. It is run by Leif the sloth. Here you can buy flowers, trees, and either a watering can or an axe.

When you start your game the Garden Center is not on Main Street in your town. to unlock it you need to have you Town Development Permit and have done either of the following:
  • Pulled 30 Weeds 
  • Planted 30 Trees or Flowers
  • Watered 30 Flowers 
Have fun gardening :D

~Derry :)

Kicks on Animal Crossing New Leaf

Kicks is one of the many new stores in Animal Crossing New Leaf. You may remember Kicks the skunk from Animal Crossing City Folk for Nintendo Wii. He used to polish your shoes in the town, well now he has a shop open in Animal Crossing New Leaf and you can purchase a variety of new shoes and socks. Its located next to Able Sisters.

 However when you start you game, Kicks is not on the Main Street in your town. To unlock kicks you need to have gotten your Town Development Permit and have spent 8,000 bells in Able Sisters. Have fun with your new stylish shoes. 

~Derry :)

The Animal Crossing New Leaf Guide iPhone App Review

"Animal Crossing New Leaf Guide" app is available to all iPhone/iPod/iPad users. This app gives you a list of all the bug's, fish, fossils and sea shells you can collect, as well as letting you tick them off as you find them and tells you where to find the various different bug's/fish and what time of year and time of day to find them. The app gives you a list of all Public Works Projects and how to get them into your Public Works List. The app looks like this: 
And is categorized into the following: 

My overall Feedback on this app is that is is very help full when playing Animal Crossing New Leaf. I would recommend getting this app 100%.

~ Derry :)